Love Living In Your Home

Everyone deserves to live in a home they love being in. Not everyone loves organizing and many do not have the skill set to create an orderly home. Our Liberators love organizing because they were born to organize. Every single Liberator was trained by Major Mom herself via the Major Mom Academy. We put the "P" in professional home organizing. Here is a cute poem we wrote about our passion:


We love order, yes we do,

We love order how about you?

It doesn’t matter what the size;

Your home or office we can organize.

Restoring order and serenity,

Is our major goal you see.

So Major Organizers is here to say,

have an Organized Valentine’s Day!


  • When you improve your home environment, you lower your stress. (Wellness Experts) It is possible to love your home environment, but you may need to hire help.
  • In the average home, getting rid of clutter would eliminate approximately 40% of housework. (Soap and Detergent Association study)
  • Foundation of an orderly home is living by this famous motto, "A place for everything and everything in its place."